Wednesday, September 19, 2007

our family blog...

I feel that I'm being a late bloomer for this but hey, I thought it's nice to document funny anecdotes, everyday conversation with our son, family adventures, road trips and our life's simple happiness in one site. It's much easier (I think & I hope) to maintain such (aside from our tons of photos) than having the good-ol-diary. And since I'm in front of the computer most of the time, might as well be techie. : )
I've always been a diary-keeper during my younger years. Eversince gradeschool, I make sure I write down any exciting, happy and even the saddest part of my growing up years. I brought that with me until I met Ric. In fact when my then-bf-now-loving-hubby went to Bangkok to work, I had this journal wherein I write down my everyday activities since he left. That was the first time we were apart.
Now, I wanted to share not just how we survived and lived through the years, (9 years of being bf/gf, 2 years civilly married before zach came along) hehe, but our journey in life as parents to our dear son. More of our everyday adventure in my succeeding entries. : )

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